My son turned 1 a week ago. So mummy introduced some changes and a few new rules.
1. No more dummy.
I chose to give Blake a dummy when he was 1 day old, he was a comfort sucker and I didn't want him finding his thumb, however I really don't like seeing 3 year old's (boys especially) with dummy's, so I decided I would wean him off of it. At about 10 months I started only allowing it at nap times and bed times. And now he is one they're gone altogether. The first day (his actual birthday) was the hardest as he was teething alot, but after showing him alternatives such as chewing on his teething toys he soon accepted that there was no dummies. And it has not been a problem since, even when he has seen other peoples dummies, hes not bothered. Yes my child is amazing. lol
2. No more day time milk bottle.
Blake has a drink of full fat cows milk out of a beaker in the morning with his cereal. His 3pm bottle got stopped on his 1st birthday. And he has 7/8oz of SMA follow on milk before bed. Once this tin is empty we will replace it with SMA 1+ for a short time. This is not to say hes not allowed to drink milk in the day, if I feel his diet one day is lacking dairy I might give him a beaker with milk in. Just not a bottle, and its not routine'd into the day. I plan to change the bed time bottle to a beaker/sippy cup at 13 months and try and introduce brushing teeth after milk, rather than before.
3. Introduction to the potty.
I held back on buying a potty in case he got one for his birthday, but will be buying one very soon. In the next few weeks I am going to introduce sitting on the potty before bath time. I don't expect miracles, this is purely so he can learn what its for and if one day he did do something in it we can give him major praises so he understands that's what he needs to do. I'm quite excited about starting this learning curve.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Spending my birthday money! - By Blake
On Sunday we went to Highcross shopping centre in Leicester.
I wore my new Timberland boots that Uncle Eddie bought me.
They were very heavy and I couldn't walk in them but it was ok as I wouldnt need to do any walking in Leicester.
After some persuasion, daddy got me out and I had a shoulder ride!
The lifts were broke so we had to use the escalators, It was like a big ride, I loved it!
We went to a chinese buffet for dinner, we had to wait to be seated.
Afterwards we went food shopping at a new place, mummy forgot to take carrier bags!
Nanny text to say Pappy had bought a new toy from the car boot so we went to see it!! I loved my new bouncy castle!
Then I remembered that Pappy has a pond so I went to look at that instead!
With my money I bought some new jeans, a t shirt the same as Oskar's (see
And some wellys.
And a dressing gown.
Learning to go down the slide - by Blake
On Saturday daddy went to work so I went to Great Nanny's with mummy, then we went into town.
When we got home it wasn't long til daddy was home too.
He helped me to build a house with my new megablocks.
I played in the garden for a bit. I can get in and out of my car all by myself!
Mummy and Daddy taught me to push myself down the slide without holding any bodies hands.
Some times I landed in a bit of a heap on the floor!
I like the garden, especially now I can walk.
Mummy went to work and Nanna, Great Grandad and Auntie Dana came round. They gave me some birthday money.
Climbing the slide- by Blake
On Friday mummy did some house work, when she had finished we walked into town. I had a whole packed of quavers.
On the way home we stopped at the park, I loved walking around by myself.
I tried to climb the slide. It didnt work.
When we got home I got the CD's out but before mummy had the chance to tell me off I started to put them all away.
Mini Monsters - by Blake
On Thursday we went to little monsters in Oakham.
Mummy fibbed about my age and said I wasn't quite 1 so that I could get in for £1.00.
Me and Lauren |
Me and mummy went down the big slide, I loved it!!! |
Kisses with Lauren |
Mummy was very embarrassing and was trying to kiss me in front of my friends.
I walked around alot, I like the freedom.
When we got home, me and Naima played in the garden.
And when Naima went home I chilled on the bed with our cat, Todd.
My 1st birthday - by Blake
Wednesday 21st September was my birthday. I was 1.
Me and mummy went to playgroup so I could see my friends, I showed off how well I could walk.
I played in the sandpit with my friends
And I rode a toy motor bike. Mummy said I'm never allowed a real one.
There was a very loud alarm and we had to go outside, mummy said it was a fire drill.
When we got home I played with some new toys.
And Nanny came to wish me happy birthday.
I watched telly with my toys for a little while.
And went on the laptop to see all of my facebook birthday messages.
I had a little nap.
When daddy got home we opened the rest of my presents.
And I was allowed some chocolate because it was my birthday.
I had a wonderful 1st birthday and will be thanking every 1 for my presents soon! x
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I can walk!!!!!! (20/09/11) - By Blake
Tuesday is nursery day. I like going to nursery and playing with my friends. I practised walking lots!
When I got home I showed mummy how good I was now.
Mummy decided today - the day before my birthday was my official 'started walking' day!
As Nanny and Pappy came round I opened some presents.
They got me a tigger toy, a crocodile, a golf set and a toy lawn mower. I love them all. Especially the crocodile cuz he makes noises and has light up eyes!! :-D
Friday, September 23, 2011
Another Nanny day - by Blake
I love my Monday's.
Monday is Nanny day! I go and spend the day with Nanny whilst mummy is at work.
In the car on the way to Nanny's. |
When I got home I really wanted to open some presents, mummy said No.
I took 10 steps whilst waiting for mummy to cook dinner! She got very excited!
After dinner daddy went back out to work so mummy bathed me.
I tried to stay awake to say night night to daddy but i fell asleep watching tv!
The birthday party - by mummy.
With Blake's birthday falling midweek we decided to throw him a party the weekend before. Despite a very long day on Saturday I was up first thing tidying up and preparing food. He had 20 baby friends coming in the morning and all the family and friends afterwards. I thought I was slightly crazy doing it the same weekend as our charity night. As always my phone was going off with the usual very irritating last minute let downs, though they are much better than the ones who simply don't turn up. Despite this and the fact I was ill we had a fabulous day. The house didn't get too trashed, though I will never do it at home again. :-)
As a money saver I decided to make our own decorations, although I ended up spending a fortune on crafty stuff, nevertheless I am impressed with myself so decided to share with you my hard work!!
Blake with one of his girl friends, Lauren. |
Blake emptying his toy box. |
Blake's 1st birthday cake - Lightening McQueen! |
Graham with the cake whilst we all sang 'happy birthday' |
Blake with Lauren and Sophia |
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Once it had dried up, we went outside to play. |
Back indoors, Blake was desperate to open his presents! |
As a money saver I decided to make our own decorations, although I ended up spending a fortune on crafty stuff, nevertheless I am impressed with myself so decided to share with you my hard work!!
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