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Monday, November 21, 2011

A muddy day - by Blake

On Saturday daddy had to work on another friends car so me and mummy went to great Nanny's for our usual Saturday morning breakfast. I did some gardening.

Mummy wanted to cry when she seen the state of my Timberlands!!

A daddy Friday - by Blake

Friday was a good Friday! Daddy had the day off work and when I woke up he came to get me! I was very excited! Mummy stayed in bed for a little while and we and we had a lazy morning.

I played with all my toys and was having lots of fun, I wasn't too impressed after daddy called me a naughty word though!!!

I was so happy daddy was with us I cuddled him lots!

I also cuddled my cat lots too, he is starting to let me cuddle him more and doesn't run off though I am still a little bit too rough with him!

After lunch we went for a walk into town, daddy picked up some big knickers and told mummy she needed them... mummy was not impressed!

Then I got a smart new hair cut and so did daddy, I went sleep after mine though.

My first fat lip - by Blake

On Thursday my lip had swollen quite bad, I had a cut on the inside and the outside, it didnt bother me though because I am so brave.

Mummy spent alot of the day doing house work so I got to play with my toys. I love my megablocks.

I did lots of rolling about too.

I went to Nanny's for dinner while mummy went to work, she is leaving th chipshop soon, I cant wait to see her more!

Playgroup without mummy - by Blake

On Wednesday me and mummy had a lazy morning as she didn't get in from work until late. At 11 Keri came to pick me up and I went in the car next to Rhys then I went in a double buggie, I loved sitting next to Rhys on our way to playgroup. Mummy came to playgroup for a little while but then had to go to work. She was taking her students to a christmas display.

We did some children in need colouring.

After mummy left I fell and banged my lip, Keri and Fiona were very worried as it bled lots. I was very brave though and only cried for a minute then carried on playing. After playgroup I went to Rhys's house to play and then Keri took me home. I saw mummy for half an hour and then Auntie Jade came round because mummy had to work at the chipshop. Daddy came home and we had dinner together before bed time.

Tuesday 15th Nov - by Blake

On Tuesday I had to go to Nursery as usual! Mummy was a little worried as there was a disease called Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease going round but I went any way.

When I got home I was a bit grumpy, I have started lying on the floor in a strop, but then I stay there when I get what I want any way!

Some times I make mummy sit on the floor with me whilst dinner is cooking, I tend to shove my face inbetween people's legs, I have even done it to a stranger before, mummy was embarassed!

When daddy got home we had dinner and a bath then watched The Simpsons.

Daddy said I was sitting so close so pulled me away a little, but mummy said we were still too close!

Mummy went to work when we had gone to bed.

A sunday dinner Monday - by Blake

On Monday I went to Nanny's as normal, we went into town and bought some new toys. Later on mummy picked me up and we had a Sunday dinner. I don't think we have ever had a sunday dinner on a sunday!

After my bath daddy played on the playstation, he puts his feet up which makes a little den for me to crawl into!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A lazy weekend - by Blake

Last weekend was a good weekend. I had both mummy and daddy all weekend!
On the Saturday we all got up and Daddy came with us to great Nanny's for a fry-up.
When we got home I played on Call of Duty with Daddy.

We had a really chilled day. I played peekaboo while I waited for mummy to run my bath.

On Sunday morning I helped daddy wash the car, I also kept running down the road!!!

A little later on I played with my trains.

After dinner we all got in bed together to watch tv.

Walking down the aisle - by Blake

Last Friday morning I had a bath after breakfast, I usually have one after dinner but was too tired the day before. I was a bit confused about having a bath in the morning.

Once me and mummy were dressed we got in the car, mummy said we was going on a long journey so I read myself a book until I fell asleep.

We got to Welwyn Garden city which is about 2 hours away from our house. We met up with some friends in the pub then we went to the wedding. I walked up the aisle before the bride and groom!

Me and mummy sat quietly during the wedding, we sat at the back.

Afterwards we went back in the car for 10 minutes until we got to the party. There was lots of food and I discovered my love for onion bargies.

I played on the dance floor with my new friend Zody, she looked beautiful in her bridesmaid dress.

Zody and another little girl played with me! I thought it was good fun!

I started to get tired as it got later and went past my bedtime. I took my smart clothes off and got in my pj's ready for bed.

Mummy went to say goodbye to the bride and the groom.

So I had one last dance on the floor in my pj's, once we got in the car I fell asleep and didnt wake up til the next morning all snuggly in my bed!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dancing Thursdays - by Blake

On Thursday mummy had lots of house work to do. As per usual I helped out by making sure she has lots to do!

Once upstairs was cleaned we went downstairs and mummy put the music on loud. I stood on the coffee table and held mummy's hands so we could dance together!

Then I danced by myself!

I like to crawl in and through things, though sometimes I think I am much smaller than I am!

I have a box full of little books in it, it is my favourite thing at the minute.

Later on I went to Nanny's for tea again, Daddy picked me up after the gym.

A messy playgroup - by Blake

This Wednesday we had a lazy morning as mummy got in late from her new job. We went into town and met my friend Beau and a new friend called Lilly they were coming to playgroup for the first time.
Rhys' mummy was running the playgroup today. Me and Rhys shared our lunch.

I did some painting and made lots of mess. There was us messy babies and then some clean babies who weren't allowed to get messy, I'm glad mummy lets me get messy!

We all had snacks, I really liked dipping the breadsticks in the humous but some how I got it on my head!!

On the way home I got out at the bottom of the road and walked, I was really good and held onto the pushchair until I had had enough then I kept running off!

Mummy filled the wash basket up with my balls - just because it was something different. I thought it was a great idea and had lots of fun!