Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Christmas tickers

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A play date with Lauren (28/03/12)

On Wednesday Lauren came to play for the day. I showed her my Ferrari and lots of other toys. We went in the double buggy to the park and then to play group. It was lovely having Lauren over all day!

Meeting new people. 25th March

I spent the weekend with daddy as normal. On the Sunday we went to the Fast Show at Santapod to see all the cars. A girl came with me and daddy called Beth. When we got back I went to the pub with my mummy and seen some of her friends and met mummy's friend Chris. I didn't really talk to him though, I played with Myles lots while all mummy's friends played on the xbox.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thur 22nd March 2012 - new plans

After mummy found out we couldn't go see uncle lee lee she said we could go to the park as it was a nice day.

I seen a "car" mummy tells me its a scooter but anything with wheels is still a car to me!

I loved the park especially when some of my friends arrived, and then we went to the pub for lunch!

When we got home I played on the street in my ferrari :-)

And helped mummy do some gardening.

Later on mummy was a bit cross because she got called into work at the pub again!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A tired Wednesday - by Blake

Wednesday 21st March 2012
Mummy was tired this morning. She told me I was 18 months old which was a special number and how quickly I had grown up!

We went into town and to the park, I walking over drains, it's like a balancing game!

We saw some ducks "gak gak!"

When we got to playgroup I went to play with Lauren and we were being naughty throwing stones out of the gate!

It was a lovely day but when we got home mummy was very tired, but was looking forward to Chris coming round and visiting uncle Lee Lee in the morning. Mummy had mentioned Chris a few times but I did not know who he was, he only came round when I was in bed.

Whilst I was in the bath mummy got a phone call from nanny. Uncle Lee Lee had been moved to a different prison which meant we couldn't visit. Mummy cried and was very angry.

The much needed wind down - by mummy

Completely exhausted from working atleast 20 hours in 2 days and being a single mum I sat down after work, it was about 1.30/2am and the big boss walked in and insisted every 1 go to the local night club for a few drinks. So I did, and very quickly realised this was just what I needed, despite being tired, i needed the social life away from parenting and had quite a good night, though I knew I'd regret it the following morning when I left the pub at 4.30am!

Stressed mummy - by Blake

On Monday mummy was struggling with being a single mum and I wasn't helping. I cried when she left me at Nanny's to go to work, when she picked me up I wanted lots of cuddles but she was busy cooking dinner and then I made lots of mess. Mummy was in a rush so couldn't clean up my mess. I had a bath and then we went to Auntie Maria's. Mummy went downstairs to work in the pub and Auntie Maria kept me company, we played on her phone before I went to bed in my travel cot. Later on mummy woke me up and we went home and I went back to bed in my normal cot. Mummy said she was sorry that I had been dragged out but I didn't mind.

On Tuesday mummy was tired, but got me up and took me to Nursery. I was upset she was leaving me again. Mummy seemed to leave me alot for work which I didnt like. Later on mummy picked me up from nursery and we went to the pub with Nanny, Pappy and Aunty Bitty for dinner. We enjoyed this but mummy got stressed when we got home again as all of Mondays mess was still there and mummy didnt have long to clean it up before she had to go to work again. I went to bed without a bath, Auntie Leonie and Ash came to look after me once I was in bed. I was looking forward to seeing mummy properly in the morning.

Mothers day - by mummy

Sunday 18th March 2012 - My 2nd mothers day.
After spending the weekend with Chris I was already smiling lots. Blake came home early on Mothers day so I could spend it with him. We went to my mums to give her the present Blake had made. We didnt really do anything special for mothers day, with my brother being in prison mum wasn't really up for it and we had a christening to go to.

Fri 16th March - by Blake

Friday 16th March.

Playing with a balloon whilst waiting to go to daddy's for the weekend!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Nathans birthday at Twinlakes - by Blake

On Thursday 15th March Nathan had an early birthday party at Twinlakes. Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy were there.

There was a disco so I danced and then Bethany kissed me!!

We went to look at the animals and mummy was really naughty and opened the door and took a baby chick out!

We went into the big play area and I got dropped down a very big slide, it scared me a bit going down by myself but mummy caught me at the bottom!

I prefered the big slide on mummy's knee!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mothers day flowers - by Blake

14th March 2012 was the Wednesday before Mothers day so we made flowers for our mummy's and nanny's, every body joined in!

Later that night I spoke to daddy on the phone, I miss seeing daddy all week.

A sunny sunday - by Blake

Sunday 11th March was quite a sunny day - when daddy dropped me off at mummy's we went to for a ride on my bike to the pub.

We had dinner at the Welby, just me and mummy, it was nice :-)

The weather stayed nice in the week so when mummy picked me up after work I could play in the garden. I love playing in the garden.

A night to bring back memories and start a new future - by mummy

Friday 9th March I went out for a meal with my girlfriends to celebrate 2 of their birthdays, most of the group have been friends since primary school so we spent most of the night laughing about of teenage mischiefs, after our meal we went to The kings head where I work.

The lads arrived as they were also celebrating a birthday.

It was also my bosses birthday so he and Chris had the night off.

I had been in the sun shower for the first time in over 2 years so was alittle burnt and was being brave with a very little crop top but felt fairly comfortable with myself, though not as comfortable as my previous few night out!

March 5th-9th 2012 - by Blake

5th March 2012

7th March 2012 - mummy got an email today from The Face of Europe syaing she had got into the finals of their beauty pageant, mummy was very excited!!

8th March 2012 - Today Rhys came over to play.

9th March 2012 - I went swimming and mummy bought me some arm bands, I didnt like them but once I got in the water I loved them!!

Afterwards I went to daddy's for the weekend.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How to visit your little brother in prison for the first time - by mummy

Saturday 3rd March 2012 was an exciting but terrifying day. After my little brother getting nicked over 2 weeks ago and being put on Remand in Lincoln prison I was going to visit him. I had one of his best friends coming with me. Lee lee had only had my mum and dad visit up until now so wasn't expecting me or Rich to visit. It was an hour journey and dad had warned that it took up to an hour to get through security so I left to pick Richard up with plenty of time to spare so we went for Breakfast together.
Getting to the prison was easy enough and once we found the carpark we went and joined a rather large queue. It was quite nerve racking, i couldnt help but feel we were surrounded by scroats and criminals and we shouldn't have been there. There was notices and security warnings every where and I found myself reading everything in detail. We walked with a big group of visitors through the prison, as I looked up i couldnt help but think 'wow' I was on the inside of a prison, the walls were huge! It then started to feel alot like an airport with the metal detecors and conveyor belt things.
When we finally got through and seated it was not like what you expect from watching television!! It's a big room full of comfy sofa/chairs 3 blue ones sat opposite 1 red one. We was given a table number. After a short wait on the blue chairs and looking round at a room slowly filling with stereotypical criminals and their scroaty familys, lee finally appeared!!! I jumped up but unsure whether I was even allowed to touch him I had to ask if I could cuddle him before I threw my arms round him!! His face was the best picture ever!!!! This big massive (slightly goofy) smile that he couldn't seem to wipe off his face. I knew we had made his day!
Whilst visiting there is a canteen and vending machines so I insisted on filling lee up with crap that he cant get whilst inside, so plenty of chocolate and coca cola! We had alot of questions to ask and got lots of answers to what on earth had gone on but before we knew it the 2 hours had finished and we were told to say our goodbye's. I was gutted to be leaving my little brother to go back and sit in a prison cell surrounded by pick axe murderers and thugs. But I knew he was gonna be ok, he's just like his big sister, positive! He had seen that plenty of good could come of this and he had plenty of motivation. And I knew that Richard and I had made his day.
I love my brother. It was a difficult day but it made me so much happier knowing he was gonna get through it!!!! <3

Down the pub - by Blake

On the Friday morning we got up early enough to go to playgroup, mummy cant take many photos because people complain!

Afterwards we went to the pub for another baby shower. Some one made a cool cake which me and my friends kept trying to stick our fingers in!!

We enjoyed being at the pub, our mummy's thought we looked ever so cute all sat chilling together!!

We were on a balcony so I could see lots of people below us.

Afterwards we went swimming then I went to daddy's for the weekend.

Yummy Mummy curry night - by mummy

On Wednesday the 29th February I got my cousin and her friend to babysit so I could head out for a night out with the other mummies. There was a fair few of us that went for a curry and then some went to the Kings Head (where I work) for drinks. It was a slow start as there was a darts game on but as soon as they left we all got on the dance floor, on the pole and on the kareoke. I didn't got home til gone 2am yet got up up 8am to take my cousin to school in the morning!! Haha!