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Monday, October 31, 2011

An average Saturday - by Blake

On Saturday we went to Great Nanny's for our usual Saturday morning breakfast. I went on pappy's scooter.

Then we went into town to meet my godmother, Auntie Kylie, we had a drink and some bacon crisps in a cafe.

I wondered off and found a ride I wanted to go on.

Later on I went to Nanny and Pappy's for a sleepover.

A trip to mummy's work - by Blake

On Friday mummy and I had a bit of a lazy morning as I wasn't feeling too well. Mummy gave me lots of kisses to make me feel better.

I threw several tantrums. Mummy was not impressed that I have started throwing myself about and kicking things.

Just as we were getting ready to go out I fell asleep, mummy was very relieved.

Mummy pushed me to her work on the other side of town so I could go see her students as they were having a halloween party.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Melton Times Baby of The Year Competition - by mummy

Our local newspaper is holding a competition so I have entered Blake.
There are lots of beautiful babies including some of Blakes friends, I don't know what the prize is but it would be fab if he won.

If you think he should win please text
to 61500
Costs (£1.00)

A rainy day - by Blake

Thursday was a housework day. I sat and watched mummy make my bed.

Then when she tidyed the rest of upstairs I made more work for her in my bedroom!

I tried to follow her downstairs, luckily she only nipped down to get something as I got stuck.

Mummy wanted to nip into town but it was spitting so we went in the car and I put my welly's on.

I helped get the bits we needed.

And got very upset when mummy told me I have to wait until christmas to get this car. I don't even know what christmas is... why do I have to wait??? :-(

When we got home mummy got my tent out and my balls. I had lots of fun. Ive been wearing a bib to save on the tissues and wipes as I have had a very runny nose.

My 1st halloween party - by Blake

On Wednesday morning mummy woke me up at 10am as she was getting fed up of waiting. I hadn't woken up once all night but was extremely snotty and my tongue and lips had swollen, I could barely swallow, mummy was going to call dr's but by the time she had changed my nappy it was already going down. By the time I sat down to eat my breakfast I was completely normal again.

I have got a favourite teddy at the minute. Its a hush puppy, I decided to share my breakfast with it!

Wednesday was the Halloween party at playgroup. My costume was a count dracula. Lots of people commented on how good I looked but lots of people also noticed I wasn't quite myself.

Joshua came for the 1st time, he is exactly 1 year younger than me. He was a pumpkin.

Sophia and I fell out over a balloon. She's 3 months younger than me but she put up a good fight!

I was happy with Sophia's balloon!

Rhys was a pumpkin and Lauren was a witch. I think we looked really cool together.

Midweek partying - by Mummy

The good thing about only working 2 day times is I always have Wednesday morning's off, and as Tuesday night in our town is 'student night' it can be quite good fun and it's a cheap night out. Once Blake was in bed I started getting sorted, I think I tried on my entire wardrobe. Seriously starting to get depressed as I have nothing 'fashionable' as everything is atleast 2 years old. But I decided to not get too worked up and just try enjoy myself as there probably aren't that many people who will notice how out of date i look!

My company for the night is Maria, a friend I have known for less than a year, she was in my class when I returned to work after my maternity leave. We hit it off almost immediately but now we're in different classes we dont see each other as much, even though she lives across the road from me! Our choice of pubs were The Cutting Room and The Kings head. 'Cutters' is the meeting place, really nice and fairly quiet, The kings head is the place to go next before you're drunk enough to go to any of the dives in town! But we ended up staying in their for the rest of the night, barely spent a penny and just danced the night away!

£1 a bottle!!!

If you haven't seen the Inbetweener's movie this won't make any sense to you what so ever... but this was hilarious! As it quitened down and all the drunks moved on to the other pubs these young lads started doing this very corny choregraphed dance to 'No Americano' and I was a bit confused until I was reminded of the Inbetweener's movie... and this is what they were doing! If you havent seen it then you must! In fact go to youtube now and find it!!!!

Daddy's new ps3 controller - by Blake

On Tuesday I woke up fine, just with a bit of a cold but I was more than happy so mummy sent me to nursery as usual.

Daddy picked me up and the lady told him I wasn't myself but I didnt seem too bad. We came home and had spaghetti bologneise for dinner.

Daddy ordered a new controller as I broke his other one. Now we have 2 I can play at the same time as him before bedtime.

I a poorly boy - by Blake

On Monday I was eager to go to Nanny's as usual.

I was a bit naughty at Nanny's and when mummy picked me up I had a gunky eye. Nanny thought it might be conjuntavitis. After dinner mummy's friends came round so I got lots of attention until bed time. When they had gone mummy came to check on me. I was poorly so still wasn't asleep, mummy was suprised I was such a good boy as I didn't cry. I had a temperature and kept my hands over my ears all night. But I was still happy and smiley that mummy was giving me attention especially because I didnt cry for it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Motherhood choices (13 months) - by mummy.

Blake was 13 months on Friday... which means this time a year ago he was only a month old... This is what he looked like.

Any ways I thought I'd update you on my choices as a mother.

I wanted to cut his bottle out altogether at 13 months, so tonight I prepared his milk and put it into one of his sippy beakers. He was happy with this however he does guzzle it way to quickly and pours alot of it down himself so tomorrow I shall buy another one as the teat on this one has took a battering!

How did the dummy removal go??? Fine. He last had it the day before his 1st birthday and hasn't had it since, we struggle a little with his back teeth now coming through but if i give him some ambesol, calpol and some very cold cucumber to chew on it seems to do the trick. I would definitely recommend 12 months as a good age to remove a dummy.

And the potty introduction??? Not so fine. As I only intended to introduce the potty I'm not too bothered, except he won't sit on it full stop. We have tried a few things such as putting toys on it and taking it turns to sit on it. So now I'm not so sure whether to take it away for a while and then re-introduce it or whether to get a different one... Still figuring that one out so stay tuned for more decisions.

A family sunday - by Blake

Today was a good day. I got to be with mummy and daddy together, all day!
It started off with cuddles in bed, then we watched tv before going food shopping.

We all watched a film together then we took a walk to the pub. Daddy kept pushing me into the bushes!

At the pub they have a garden with a bit of a park but its for big kids.

Daddy tried showing me how to climb but I couldn't do it.

When we got home I played with my cat, Todd, and we shared toys, he was miaowing at me  because he was getting annoyed.

I had tomato pasta bake for dinner, I finished mine then finished mummy's and daddy's too! When daddy went to run my bath I played peekaboo with mummy!

I wish we had more days like today, we didn't do much but I had my mummy and my daddy :-D

Entertainment at work - by mummy

Working in a chipshop could be really lame. But I enjoy it. My boss is more like my best friend and every 1 else that works there are a great bunch too. It gets very busy and hot and stressful, but then it can also be pretty quite especially in the cold dark nights, every 1 comes in earlier so towards the end of the night it might get pretty boring. My boss is good at keeping up a good atmosphere but when he's about I tend to get going. Last night I saw my opportunity...

Then my boss saw his opportunity to take my idea further...

Just remember boys and girls, work doesn't have to be something we have to go to, it can be something we look forwards to going to...

A family walk - by Blake

On Saturday morning mummy and I went to great Nanny's for breakfast. When we got home daddy had finished work so we went into town and met nanny and pappy. We went to cafe nero for a drink.

It was market day so very busy, I got to walk holding mummy and daddy's hands.  

I enjoyed spending time as a family, but it didnt last long because mummy had to go to work. After my bath I went to a house party with daddy but I was too tired to stay out for long.

The fair's in town - by Blake

On Friday I had a poorly bottom so had a bath before we went down for breakfast. I was very happy about this :-)

We went for a walk into town to chose my picture for the local newspaper for the competition. We seen Becki so I walked with her.

The fair was in town and mummy said I was allowed to go on one ride, we had a look and found one with a Thomas the tank engine that had straps. I loved it.

I walked all the way through town next to mummy and didn't wonder off at all. We went to portess where Uncle Alan and Uncle Ray Ray work, I like it because there is lots to explore.

When we got home I emptied my toy box.

We went to mummy's work and daddy picked me up, I had battered sausage chips and curry sauce for tea.