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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Walking down the aisle - by Blake

Last Friday morning I had a bath after breakfast, I usually have one after dinner but was too tired the day before. I was a bit confused about having a bath in the morning.

Once me and mummy were dressed we got in the car, mummy said we was going on a long journey so I read myself a book until I fell asleep.

We got to Welwyn Garden city which is about 2 hours away from our house. We met up with some friends in the pub then we went to the wedding. I walked up the aisle before the bride and groom!

Me and mummy sat quietly during the wedding, we sat at the back.

Afterwards we went back in the car for 10 minutes until we got to the party. There was lots of food and I discovered my love for onion bargies.

I played on the dance floor with my new friend Zody, she looked beautiful in her bridesmaid dress.

Zody and another little girl played with me! I thought it was good fun!

I started to get tired as it got later and went past my bedtime. I took my smart clothes off and got in my pj's ready for bed.

Mummy went to say goodbye to the bride and the groom.

So I had one last dance on the floor in my pj's, once we got in the car I fell asleep and didnt wake up til the next morning all snuggly in my bed!

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